Wednesday 31 August 2011

The Artist Without Two

To Thunder Cape

There he lies, sleeping, sleeping
while the waters softly murmur
while the darkness, creeping, creeping
Steals upon the Northern Shore

Will he rise, leaping, leaping
With a bolt of jagged thunder
With a wild wind sweeping, sweeping
Down upon the Northern Shore?

Ye, he rises. leaping, leering
With his thunder bolt a searing
Fire forest, fire all
The Northland belches a fiery pall
The flames, they writhe and leap to fall
Smoldering at the giant's knees
As there he bends among his trees.

Hail then the wild wind heavy with cloud
To split wide the sky - tear open the shroud.
Black is the mountain -dank is the air,
Hark, to the East! Look, over there!

Up sun, rise, peeping, peeping
Send the darkness leaping, leaping.
Fast he flies, weeping, weeping,
For his body, seeping, seeping,
Fades into the Northern Land.

Down he lies, sleeping, sleeping,
With his mild wind sweeping, sweeping,
Gently 'cross the Northern Shore.

Photos of Sleeping Giant by B. Brill, August 2011

Poem Author: B. Brill, 1965

Published in : Betty Brill's Cry At The Edge Of Forever, PGI 2005

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