We Canadians are the Scapegoat of the World.
Why do I say that?
Because the Environmental groups boast that the May 18, 2010, Boreal Forest Agreement makes up for THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF FOREST LOST GLOBALLY FROM 1995 TO 2005.
These Environmental groups are using the Woodland Caribou as the 'white seal' of the forest.
These Environmental groups have not been represented , to the best of my knowledge, on our Local Citizens' Committee for Forest Management of the Nipigon East Forest Management Plan for the Lake Nipigon Forest (now including Armstrong Forest.) Our Forest Management has planned for Woodland Caribou for almost 20 years. Our Forest Management Plan has followed all MNR Guidelines for Areas of Concern and Species specific Guidelines as they have evolved.
But, new guidelines of late 2009, moved the caribou habitat line a substantial distance south from where the Caribou Mosaics had been managed AND, the rest of our forest, right to Lake Superior, is designated discontinuous Caribou range. As such, under the species at risk mandate all silvicultural prescriptions MUST provide for the possible extension of the Woodland Caribou range. (page 41 of the Information for Strategic and Operational Planning, Forest Information Manual, 2009, lines #32 to #37)
The big picture is to develop dynamic caribou habitat schedules to provide habitat through time in areas licensed for forestry. (Guess what the Caribou Mosaic Blocks did?) This forest management will be used to improve habitat in discontinuous zones. ..if you plant the right stuff they will return?
The Forest Management Plan must develop guidelines for Road Densities and Road Decommissioning. Roads are the 'clubs' for the 'white seals' of the forest. If there are no roads the caribou are safe from four- legged predators. Somehow the Environmentalists have it lodged in their brain that wolves and bears can only travel by road.'
Can the fostering of a greater level of local and Aboriginal community involvement in decisions about the economic management of Crown forests make any sense as an objective when 9 Environmental Groups with GLOBAL ties are allowed by the Governments of Canada and Ontario to blackmail 21 Forest Companies into signing away our rights of employment in 29 million hectares of Crown Forest and plotting to bar us from nearly 150 million more?
How can people not of our community, not of our region, not of our country, manipulate our employers into signing away our jobs and our future by not allowing us to work on Crown Land?
Cancopy, ForestEthics and Greenpeace agreed to suspend their GLOBAL 'do-not-buy' campaigns against loggers' products. The campaigns were put in place because ENGOs claimed poor forest practices or non-sustainable forest practices against these 21 companies (and others). Now, at the stroke of a pen, these same products (of the 21 companies only) are squeaky green! I'd say someone has been lying to the people of the world, big time.
The 3 R communities of Northern Ontario, Rural, Remote and Resource based, are now finding it RUFF, Rural, Remote and with an Uncertain Forest Future.
Our Canadian Northern Forest needs to be governed by our Canadian northern population.
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