Wednesday, 3 August 2011


The Caribou Factor

Letter to the Honorable Michael Gravelle, Minister of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry for Ontario

Monday,  October 25, 2010

Dear Michael,

I appreciate your iteration that Ontario is not a signatory of the CBFA  (CBFA = Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement ) of May 18, 2010.

On October 20, 2010 issued a press release re. FSC (FSC = Forest Stewardship Council ) and the CBFA, wherein they clarified their ongoing commitment to the FSC and, "...importantly, our recognition of and support for the legal and customary rights of indigenous peoples to own, use and manage their lands, territories and resources."

Today, 25 October, 2010, I became aware of an interview done by Yale Environment 360, 29 September 2010, "Forging a Landmark Agreement To Save Canada's Boreal Forest" by Steven Kallick, Pew Environmental Group.

Now, you say in your letter of October 18, 2010, that the Government of Ontario...has NOT agreed to arbitrarily remove fifty percent of the area designated for forest management operations.

Well, if you read this, rather long, interview you will find so many "permanents" that it will make your hair curl. Kallick says, and I quote , "...the goal is to make the logging suspension permanent by 2013."
end quote.


From talking to the Nipigon West Forest Management planning team last month I did not get the impression that they considered this suspension would be permanent.  Likely other involved FMUs will be of like mind.  Someone has a hidden agenda?

Kallick's take on the Boreal Forest Conservation Framework - and I quote  " the goal fully protect 50 % of Canada's Boreal Forest from industrial development."  end quote.

e360 asks; "And this 70 million acres where logging is going to be suspended, is it your intention over the next three years to work with the timber companies and the (Canadian) government to somehow make that portion {permanently} protected from any kind of logging?"

Answer from Kallick: "Right."


Now remember, Steve Kallick is an American, Director of Pew Environmental Group's International Boreal Conservation Campaign.  He talks,  "...we had several prominent scientists help us develop that formulation."  The formulation being protecting half of our Canadian Boreal Forest in its current state and permitting development in the other portions.  

Current state is an impossible state for a forest to maintain.  Michael, you may have seen the bud worm and the tent caterpillars and the fires we have. Which is better, using it or watching it die and all our jobs and homes and families and communities along with it?

Kallick claims 1,500 biologists around the world have endorsed that formulation. I wrote three of them, from California, New Zealand and Alberta.  The Alberta scientist replied, he saw the letter on-line and added his name because it sounded like a good thing.

Sure, it sounds good when one reads : The Boreal Conservation Framework - " Ensure sustainable economic benefits to Northern Communities and the viability of Commercial Interests."

 No logging.

No mining.

No power lines.

No power dams.

No roads.
No. No. No...


" Seek creative solutions to mitigate any negative impacts on communities, businesses and labour from Establishments of protective areas."

This statement proves they knew it would devastate our way of life.  I still think there should have been those mitigations in place before any work was suspended or areas withdrawn from production.

Now, the last point I am taking from the Framework is -"Initiate a voluntary declaration by each Framework supporter on specific actions to be taken, within their scope of responsibility, to implement the Framework."

I am curious to know if your office is privy to this list of who's doing what?

The Boreal Conservation Framework supporters are:
  •  Suncor
  • Tembec
  • Treaty 8 First Nation of Alberta
  • WWF
  • The Nature Conservancy
  • Nexen Inc
  • Pembina Institute
  • Kaska First Nation
  • The Ethical Funds
  • Forest Ethics
  • FN Dehico
  • Dejardins Funds
  • FN Innu Nation
  • Domini Social Investment LLC
  • Domtar
  • Ducks Unlimited Canada
  • Alberta Pacific
  • Calvert UNIFI Co.
  • Poplar River First Nation

Back to the interview:

Steve Kallick: "This is a voluntary agreement.  The companies are voluntarily giving up legal rights they have. And we have given up nothing except our criticism."

Their promise (Kallick et. al. ) of promoting the forest products as being responsibly managed will only occur if the agreement is made permanent.

Be prepared , Michael, they will be coming after the land.

The MacAllister Research Poll:  86% of 387 residents of Ontario that live North of the French River should not represent the will of the people of Northern Ontario,either.

The beneficiaries of the powers of the Crown and the government may be all the people of Ontario, but the people of the Northern Boreal need to be the voice for their land.

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