National Status 2005
c. Canadian Council of Forest Ministers and co-published by Canadian Forest Service in 2006
Established in 1985 the council "provides leadership on national and international issues and sets direction for the stewardship and sustainable management of Canada's forests."
Core Indicator 5.1.4 ...Contribution of nontimber forest products and forest-based services to the gross domestic product.
Examples of NTFP
- Wild edible food products...mushrooms, berries, herbs, vegetables and spices, honey, tree saps, tree nuts, wild rice, essential oils, seeds, teas and flavouring agents.
- Materials and manufacturing products...platform chemicals (polylactic and levulinic acid), bioplastics, silvichemicals (lignosulphates), essential oils.
- Health and personal care products...Pharmaceuticals, neutraceuticals. cosmeceuticals, aromatherapy oils, herbal health products, fragrances.
- Decorative and aesthetic products... Florals and greenery, craft products, Christmas trees, native crafts, speciality wood products and carvings, cones.
- Environmental products...Biofuels, biopesticides.
- Landscape and garden products...Transplants - trees and shrubs- , wildflowers, grasses -, mulches, soil amendments.
- Nonconsumptive bioproducts ...Carbon credits, tourism and education, biodiversity conservation, recreation, water quality.
Even the guys that make up this report admit they can only guess at what economic dollars are pulled in by these industries because as they say .."it would be difficult to extract as the NTFP span many sectors of activity." Honey, maple syrup, and Christmas trees are the easy ones. Nature based activities reached over 11 billion dollars in 1996...hunting, guiding-outfitting, and tourism.
It seems like a lot of money, but where are the community stats in all this. When you had an area mill that employed more than 400 people close...if you look at the list I don't see where these NTFP could step in and operate 24/7, UNLESS its in the biofuel and chemical plants such as what White River is trying for .
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