Thursday, 8 December 2011


The following is a list of birds I've seen just at my house
over the 35 years we've lived here
 in the Township of Nipigon.

Ruffed Grouse courting

Some birds were passing through and only stopped a moment.(Magpie)

Some flew over on their migration north or south. (Sandhill Cranes)

Some became friends and would eat from my hand. (Chickadees and others)

Some , such as the raven, declared it their territory and stayed over 20 years.

Some would bring their young.( a White-throated sparrow brought her young Cowbird)

Some would court their mates.(Ruffed Grouse)

Some got stuck here for the winter and survived until snow-melt in the spring and then they moved on..(Brown Thrasher)

Some came from far away.(The White-Winged Dove)

  1. Canada Goose
  2. Mallard Duck
  3. Common Merganzer Duck
  4. Ruffed Grouse
  5. Spruce Grouse
  6. Common Loon
  7. American White Pelican
  8. Double-crested Coromorant
  9. American Bittern
  10. Great Blue Heron
  11. Turkey Vulture
  12. Osprey
  13. Bald Eagle
  14. Northern Harrier
  15. Sharp-shinned Hawk
  16. Cooper's Hawk
  17. Broad-winged Hawk
  18. Red-tailed Hawk
  19. Golden Eagle
  20. American Kestrel
  21. Merlin
  22. Perigrine Falcon
  23. SAndhill Crane
  24. American Woodcock
  25. Ring-billed Gull
  26. Herring Gull
  27. Rock Pigeon
  28. White-winged Dove
  29. Mourning Dove
  30. Black-billed Cuckoo
  31. Great Horned Owl
  32. Barred Owl
  33. Boreal Owl
  34. Northern Saw Whet Owl
  35. Common Nighthawk
  36. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
  37. Belted Kingfisher
  38. Red-headed Woodpecker
  39. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
  40. Downy Woodpecker
  41. Hairy Woodpecker
  42. American three-toed Woodpecker
  43. Black-backed Woodpecker
  44. Northern Flicker
  45. Pileated Woodpecker
  46. Olive-sided Flycatcher
  47.  Eastern Wood-Pewee
  48. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
  49. Alder FLycatcher
  50. Least Flycatcher
  51. Northern Shrike
  52. Blue-headed Vireo
  53. Philadelphia Vireo
  54. Red-eyed Vireo
  55. Gray Jay
  56. Blue Jay
  57. Black-billed Magpie
  58. American Crow
  59. Common Raven
  60. Horned Lark
  61. Tree Swallow
  62. Barn Swallow
  63. Black-capped Chickadee
  64. Boreal Chickadee
  65. Red-breasted Nuthatch
  66. White-breasted Nuthatch
  67. Brown Creeper
  68. Winter Wren
  69. Golden-crowned Kinglet
  70. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
  71. Veery
  72. Gray-cheeked THrush
  73. Swainson's Thrush
  74. Hermit Thrush
  75. American Robin
  76. Varied Thrush
  77. Brown Thrasher
  78. European Starling
  79. Bohemian Waxwing
  80. Cedar Waxwing
  81. Golden-winged Warbler
  82. Tennessee Warbler
  83. Orange-crowned Warbler
  84. Nashville Warbler
  85. Northern Parula
  86. Yellow Warbler
  87. Chestnut-sided Warbler
  88. Magnolia Warbler
  89. CApe May Warbler
  90. Black-throated Blue Warbler
  91. Yellow-rumped Warbler
  92. Black-throated Green Warbler
  93. Blackburnian Warbler
  94. Pine Warbler
  95. Palm Warbler
  96. Bay-breasted Warbler
  97. Blackpoll Warbler
  98. Black and White Warbler
  99. American Redstart
  100. Ovenbird
  101. Connecticut Warbler
  102. Mourning Warbler
  103. Common Yellowthroat
  104. Hooded Warbler
  105. Wilson's Warbler
  106. Canada Warbler
  107. American Tree Sparrow
  108. Chipping Sparrow
  109. CLay-coloured Sparrow
  110. Field Sparrow
  111. Vesper Sparrow
  112. Savannah Sparrow
  113. Le COnte's Sparrow
  114. Fox Sparrow
  115. Song Sparrow
  116. Lincoln's Sparrow
  117. Swamp Sparrow
  118. White-throated Sparrow
  119. Harris Sparrow
  120. White-crowned Sparrow
  121. Dark-eyed Junco
  122. Oregon Junco
  123. Snow Bunting
  124. Rose-breasted Grosbeak
  125. Blue Grosbeak
  126. Indigo Bunting
  127. Red-winged Blackbird
  128. Rusty Blackbird
  129. Brewer's Blackbird
  130. Common Grackle
  131. Brown-headed Cowbird
  132. Baltimore Oriole
  133. Pine Grosbeak
  134. Purple Finch
  135. House Finch
  136. Red Crossbill
  137. Common Redpoll
  138. Hoary Redpoll
  139. Pine Sisken
  140. American Goldfinch
  141. Evening Grosbeak

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