Friday, 25 January 2019

White tail Deer winter 2019


There is Only One . Winter White Throat Sparrow

White throat Sparrow got stuck here for the winter. It has made it through a three day stretch of minus 25 - 30 degrees F. Coming up is another stretch .  It ate for 25 minutes as darkness falls.
Sometime it has company with hare and partridge ..
.at that time of night no grosbeaks, blue jays or siskens are swarming the feeder area.

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

New Year's Day Birds

New Year
New Bird Count
Day One…January 1, 2019
1.       Black capped Chickadee
2.       Hairy woodpecker
3.       Pine Grosbeak
4.       Blue Jay
5.       White throat Sparrow (stuck here for the winter)
6.       Evening Grosbeak
7.       Pileated Woodpecker
8.       Downy Woodpecker
9.       Ruffed Grouse
10.   Nuthatch (red breasted)
11.   Common Red Poll

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

New Year 2019

Happy New Year
Thank you for reading or looking.
New readers can sort through the Blog posts by using the top left corner "search Box" for subjects such as "Lynx" and it will pull up MOST of the Lynx photos. Sometimes I use strange titles for my posts and the subject is missing. Topics range from forestry to pesticides, Nipigon River and birds and flowers(wild). Also Butterflies and moths.  Early Posts of 2011 are essays. Also my artwork , the latest being under "Ten Finger Art".
I think my Blog is progressing fairly well. 37,404 Pageviews since 2011. This past year 4,213 Pageviews.
View from my kitchen window .

New Feeder Station

I set this up to feed the winter stranded White Throat Sparrow. However, sometimes its breakfast is delayed.