Sunday, 30 November 2014


Looking out the window, the return of the deer. November 29.

First arrival.

One of last years twins, maybe.

Checking tracks.

The Big Guy has returned. November 30, 2014.

Deer head and feeder.

Reflections in the eye of "Big Guy".




CropLife America states: “ As the plant grows it reduces by orders of magnitude the amount (of pesticide) present in the plant when it flowers.  If the dose is extremely low it is not going to be toxic.” End quote.

Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station:” Two neonicotinoids – imidacloprid and thiamethoxam were present in nectar and pollen of squash where pesticides were applied as directed.” End quote.

Bayer CropScience:” We can use them safely and not endanger the health of bees.” End quote.

Metabolites = the products the pesticides “break down” to , some of which are even more toxic to bees.

Rare Research on Combinations of Chemicals:  the “synergistic effect”

The fungicide, PROCURE,  used on cucumbers, melons, squash, pumpkins and zucchini; and apples, pears, strawberries and cherries,  combined with a neonicotinoid, becomes a thousand times more toxic to bees.


For pre-emergent seed treatment there seems to be no replacement for the use of neonicotinoids.

RFDTV, March 27, 2014 reports an increase of 4 to 15 bushels of corn with the use of fungicides.

American Seed Trade Associations reiterates the importance of seed treatment.

Dupont opens Tech Centre to bring agricultural innovation to African Farmers.

Noam Chomsky would likely call it : - “Maximizing short term profits and not being concerned with long term effects.”

2014: - China turned away an 8,000 tons shipment of U.S. G.M. Corn. ( genetically modified)

AGRO INFO from DMAFRA c. 2010

532,794 Kg of pesticides used on Ontario fruit

3,659,447 Kg herbicides used on Ontario field crops

10,969 Kg of insecticides used on Ontario field crops

219 Kg of fungicides used on Ontario field crops

Grand total of  3,935,275 Kg pesticides used  per year on Ontario Farms




QUOTING Mother Earth News of May/June 1984:

“… chemical companies had a tremendous vested interest in seeing today’s approvals remain in place and powerful vested interests seem to determine our Nation’s agricultural policies.” End quote.

Neonicotinoids are nerve poisons.  They “target an insect’s neurotransmitters and manifest in bee food.” It  “forms a permanent chemical bond to receptors in place of acetylcholine so that the neurons can’t communicate ,” causing crossed signals in nerves producing:-


Short term memory loss

Appetite loss


And spasms leading to paralysis and death

“Look for wings flared, tongue sticking out and trembling.”

Or, in lay terms, a bee –

Can’t locate nectar

Can’t locate its hive

Forgets to groom for mites

Forgets its hive duties

Has impaired navigation, foraging and feeding behaviour

They starve to death

Neonics also compromise the bee’s immune system leaving them susceptible to virus that ultimately leads to death.  It’s all in the wording.

Insects vs Mammals (including humans)

While neonicotinoids produce permanent bonds in insects – causing “dementia” within an hour – it flushes out of mammals in 2 days.

Imidacloprid  was first made in 1985 by Bayer CropScience and granted a patent May3, 1988.

Imidacloprid is the neonicotinoid of choice.

While neonics were “created” to replace organophosphorous compound, imidacloprid is more toxic to bees than organophosphate dimethoate.

It’s Everywhere

Imidacloprid is sold under 20 different Brand names and used for pest control on 40 different fruits and vegetables.

Neonicotinoids are approved for use on 140 different crops in one hundred countries.

U.S. Geological Survey environmental chemists have documented neonicotinoids in rivers and streams and Washington State Benbrook and Collegues shows residue in numerous foods.

Systemic Poison  means its in the total plant: roots, stem, leaves, tissue, flower and ultimately the nectar and pollen.

Treated seed means a mature plant full of imidacloprids. It doesn’t wash off.

However, coated seeds “dust-off” as they are being planted creating a “chemical drift” onto nearby acreage where bees forage.

Besides farms, neonicotinoids are used in landscaping, controlling pests in urban home gardens and on your pets.

The Township of Nipigon has a pesticide ban, in place prior to the Provincial Cosmetic Pesticide Ban  of 2008 , which has been highly rated.

Saturday, 29 November 2014




Should we be surprised to read that left-over chemical weapon stocks of WWII were converted “en masse” to herbicides? (It’s all in the wording POST)

I was.

I had lived with the assumption “destroy” meant destroy.

2,4 – D was introduced in 1945.  It was,  and still is, the most widely used synthetic  organic chemical.

2,4 – D is a herbicide that accelerates growth.

2,4 -DB won’t affect the field crops.

However, weeds have “enzymatic versatility” – they change 2,4 -DB and convert it to 2,4 -D and grow themselves to death.

Forward 60 years –

Quebec vs Dow (Agrosciences) : trying to get a re-evaluation of 2, 4 -D.  (Dow Agrosciences – organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, head office: Indianapolis, Indiana )

Decision, May 16, 2008:

“The Government of Quebec agrees that products containing 2,4 – D do not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment, provided that the instructions on their label are followed – as concluded by Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA)”

It’s all in the wording


Chronic toxicity

Dermal toxicity

Plant surface half life

Soil half life

Mode of action

Systemic absorption in plants

Leaching potential

Fish toxicity

Run-off potential

Bird toxicity

Bee toxicity

Beneficial arthropod toxicity

By the late ‘60’s organic phosphate pesticides had been used long enough for the Federal Aviation Agency (U.S.) to make a study relating to human health.

Besides mental disturbances, the study found chronic exposure to pesticides is associated with:















Mental confusion

Emotional lability

Depression with weeping

Schizophrenic reactions



Inability to get along with friends and family

Poor work performance.

PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ACT  (S.C. 2002 c 28) defines “acceptable risk” as risk for which there is reasonable certainty that no harm to human health, future generations or the environment will result from exposure to or use of the product taking into account its conditions or proposed conditions of registration.                                         

A Known “Killer” is Approved

When the U.S. E.P.A. (Environmental protection Agency) approved the registration of the neonicotinoid pesticides in the mid 1990’s it was right there in the submitted documents – that neonicotinoids were toxic to BEES as well as Earthworms and Terrestrial and Aquatic Invertebrates.

Neonicotinoids were first registered for use on corn in 2001.

Health Canada reports: “The mass deaths of Ontario and Quebec bees in 2012, showed 75% of the Ontario bees tested positive for neonicotinoids.”

These bee deaths were linked to treated corn and soybeans planted in the area.

Bayer Crop Science says “No bees died with neonicotinoids.”

In 2012 Canada lost 200,000 (two hundred thousand) colonies  of bees.

Bayer Crop Science says,” There is not a correlation with the use  of these products and the loss of the colonies.”

Pesticide manufacturers – Bayer Crop Science and Syngenta and CropLife America – say:

“Neonicotinoids are safe – if used as directed”. (It’s all in the wording.)

“They have tests that prove risks to bees and “non-target” insects are minimal.”

September 4, 2014 The Chronicle –Journal, Thunder Bay, Ontario

The Canadian Press report: “Bee Death Lawsuit proposal”

A class-action lawsuit to “recover significant losses and damage that were suffered by Canadian Beekeepers due to the widespread use of neonicotinoid pesticides.”

The allegations were that Bayer Inc and Sergenta International AG were “negligent in their development and distribution of neonicotinoids, as well as permitting , and failing to prevent, damages to beekeepers.”

Also noted in the Statement of Claim: - several neonicotinoid products produced by these companies have received conditional approvals from our Federal Government.




United States disarmament proposal presented to the UN General Assembly 25 September, 1961.

“Chemical Biological Radiological Warfare:

The States shall reaffirm their obligations under the U.N. Charter to refrain from the threat or use of any type of armed force – including nuclear, conventional, or C.B.R. – contrary to the principles of the U.N. Charter.”


In September 1960 the U.S.S.R. “ wants complete prohibition of chemical, biological, nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction in Stage 2.”

“The U.S. wants verifiable reduction of chemical, biological, radiological warfare in Stage 1 and further reduction in Stage 2.”

“ The U.S. provides for removal of arms, to be destroyed, from each country to an agreed depot and at the agreed depot these weapons of mass destruction be destroyed.”


Second Stage of General and Complete Disarmament

Chapter 5 – Elimination of Chemical, Biological and Radiological Weapons

ONE: There shall be eliminated from the arsenals of states, and destroyed (neutralized), all kinds of chemicals, biological and radiological weapons, whether directly attached to the troops or stored in various depots and storage places.

Simultaneously, all instruments and facilities for combat use of such weapons, as well as all special devices and facilities for their storage and conservation, shall be destroyed.

TWO: The manufacture of all kinds of chemical, biological and radiological weapons and of all means  and devices for their combat use, transportation and storage shall be completely discontinued.  All plants, installations and laboratories that are wholly or in part engaged in the manufacture of such weapons shall be destroyed or converted to peaceful production.

The above was taken from:

“The Story of Disarmament 1945-1962”

By: Disarmament Committee of the Washington D.C. Women Strike For Peace  -July 1962

Martha Dudley; Janice Holland; Miriam Levin and Gretchen Shaw

Al Gore, OUR CHOICE – A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis

 Rodale Inc., Emmaus, PA , 2009

Page 203 – “ After WWII – Chemical weapons stocks were converted en masse into herbicides.”

Monday, 24 November 2014


2014-2015 WINTER

The Thunder Bay Adventure Trails Snowmobile Club reports preparing 300 km of trails in the areas from Kakabeka Falls  to Silver Mountain, Shabaqua and Gravel Lakes to the Atikokan Trail.... to be open once we get snow.
November 22, 2014  The Chronicle Journal. Northwest Bureau , Brian Meadows reports.